
Critical Discourse Analysis on Local Balinese Online Newspapers Regarding to Re-opening of International Tourism in Bali


Product Number : WP 22-09-20-002
Judul                     : Critical Discourse Analysis on Local Balinese Online Newspapers Regarding to Re-opening of International Tourism in Bali
ISBN                      :
Penulis                  : Ni Putu Kartina Wiprayanti
Berat                      : 200 gr



Discourse analysis is the study of discourse, specifically focuses on how language is used in context while Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is a type of discourse analytical research and studies the way social power abuse, dominance and resisted by the text and talk in political and social context. In other words, critical discourse analysis is generally implemented to critize and reveals the relationship between language, social and political news. Through critical discourse analysis, people will not only know how the content of the news is displayed, but how and why the massage is presented as well. Media present in the public space is not without interest. There is a capital power that can drag the media towards business fatalism and deny its function as a guardian pillar of democracy. Media analysis becomes important to test what interests are behind a story. Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) in news relates to political news has been widely carried out in the previous studies, but CDA in tourism news is very rare. Critical discussion analysis related to tourism is still very rarely done, especially considering tourism in Bali as the main destination in Indonesia. So that CDA in tourism news texts is considered necessary to assess the news text, journalist ideology and social context influencing the news.The research method used in this study is a qualitative method in which data were obtained from the five largest online local mass media in Bali, including:,,, and also Each mass media selected one news at random related to the reopening of international tourism in Bali by using theory of text structure, social cognition and social context proposed by Tuen A. Van Dijk.From the analysis, it can be concluded that all texts analyzed are still related to one big theme, namely the reopening of international flights in Bali, while the scheme and word choice differ between texts depending on the writing style and style of the journalist. While the social cognition that was built from the analysis is that the government seems unsure whether to restore Bali tourism or protect the community from the COVID-19 pandemic. Besides that, it is also known that the government has the greatest power and access related to this news. Through this research, it is hoped that further researchers can apply linguistic aspects in analyzing critical discourse analysis, besides that the media is also expected to be neutral and objective in conveying news and the public can be critical in reading news so that it is not easy to be led by the media.



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